Okay, I know it has been almost two months but there has been a lot going on in my life. I have looked at 26 houses and some of these twice! I put an offer in on one house but there were numerous things that needed to be repaired and then the inspector found termites. They weren't bad but needed treatment but the owners did not have money for that so I walked away. The next house was very nice but had not been updated since the 70's so all new floor coverings and painting. I gave a low offer as it would take some money to do all of the work. It wasn't accepted. Soooooo I went back to a small house that I really liked in a great neighborhood and I close on Wednesday next week. Lots of work buying a house and this house did not have everything that I wanted but I realized that it would work well for me. The photo above shows the living room and I can't get the photo to stay turned so you'll need to loo at it sideways. Funny but I didn't take on outside photo. I will in the next couple of weeks.
I may post other photos in another post as I'm frustrated with this new photo program!!