Thursday, August 15, 2013

Quilting Retreat Blog III

Here is my quilt that is like Suzy's except we have different designs.  The pattern is called "Dream Weaver" that was used.

This is the quilt top that I made with a layer cake.  I cut the white out myself but I think it turned out very nice.  I don't know what I'm going to do with it.  I may sell it once the quilting is completed.

This is my pin cushion and I marked on it with a fabric pen.  I may make another one.

This is Suzy's thing and I gave her a couple of book marks that I had hand dyed the fabric.  The pin cushion for her has a little hanger and I pined it on with a Laurel Burch cat pin.  She's a dog person but she'll have to be happy with the cat!!

Here's a close up of the pin cushion and I sewed two buttons together with black thread to help it look like a flower.  I had these pretty pins and added them.  I had to bring this home to finish up so she won't see it until tomorrow night at quilting.

This is the quilt from the first photo.  I love love this quilt.  The fabric is Moda and I purchased 12 half yeards on E-Bay.  This is somewhat like a log cab in how you make the blocks.  The one that Suzy did of this pattern had identical blocks.  But of course I had to change some things.  LOL

I still am working on a table runner for my sister-in-law as a thank you gift for having me come in September and stay with them for a week.  That will be when I go to Quilt Expo.
Did anyone hear that there will be no International Quilt Show in Cincinnati???  I knew they had some problems with the facility but it was an hour and a half away from me.  I guess it will all be at Chicago so that is 4 - 4.5 hours away.  I like to go to Chicago also. 
I want to go to Houston just one time!!! 
This is my 225th post.  I will look at a give away for the next post so come back for details. 

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