Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools Day & Making Purses

This is a baby quilt that I finished the top of and now I need to sandwich it and I think that I'll hand quilt it.

Another purse from left overs - Love it!

This is a big bag that I put lots of pockets in and I'm going to use it to carry big rulers and sewing items on Monday's as we have quilting and I need to take a photo of it finished!!

These three photos are what it looked like last Monday morning!

I took a photo of this bag and as you can see it is very long.  I love love this fabric and I still have a couple of yards left for other projects.

This is a needle thingy out of the scraps and I used selvages for the ties.  I also made a big pin cushion but I guess I didn't take a photo.
I've wanted to make bags forever but I have just been scared so I happened to watch Jenny Doan's YouTube video on making bags and it all clicked.
I really like Jenny's videos and she has a lot of them.  Hope this will help others who like me are scared of something that turned out to be so easy!!

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